Pharmacy Purchasing and Inventory Insights

White Papers

The 2024 Smarter Purchasing Report
The 2024 Smarter Purchasing Report reveals how pharmacies leverage smarter purchasing to unlock savings and enhance operations. This year’s report shows us some surprising results and familiar trends. More importantly, it provides powerful insights for any pharmacy looking to mitigate challenges like drug and staffing shortages while working smarter and staying compliant.
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Navigating 2024 Trends

Pharmacies in 2024 must tackle DIR fees, drug shortages, and DSCSA delays by enhancing purchasing, leveraging data, and using automation to maintain operations and compliance.

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DSCSA is Delayed. Now What?

With DSCSA delayed, pharmacies must proactively manage data, avoid drug shortages, maintain vendor relationships and leverage technology like SureCost to ensure compliance and operational efficiency.

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Manage Pharmacy Staffing Shortages

This white paper explains how independent pharmacies can use smarter purchasing strategies to address challenges like DIR fees, compliance burdens and competition, thereby improving profitability and operational efficiency.

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Achieve and Maintain DSCSA Compliance

Streamline DSCSA compliance with precise data management, centralize purchasing, and maintain accurate inventory. Utilize technology for seamless compliance, ensuring patient safety and efficient operations.

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Maximize Your Pharmacy's Profit Margins

Pharmacies can maximize profit margins on prescription drugs by optimizing purchasing processes, expanding vendor portfolios and utilizing data for informed decision-making and compliance through smarter inventory management.

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